Are You in Agreement with

and there is not a single Spanish verb that expresses the same thing as the English collocation « agree with ». It is important to understand that « agree » already means the same thing as « estar de acuerdo », not just « acuerdo », so « I am agree » literally means 2a. His behavior coincided with the smile on his face. 2b. His behavior matched the smile on his face. Tip: Check out my list of the most common errors in English. It will teach you how to avoid mistakes with commas, prepositions, irregular verbs, etc. Better: His behavior coincided with the smile on his face, meaning that an observer could either look at his smile or behavior and perceive intuitively or wait or understand the other. However, I don`t see a significant difference in the second pair.

However, « in agreement with » sounds a little strange to my ear, but that`s probably because I`ve never seen or heard anything that isn`t a document that is called the subject of the prepositional phrase « with the… »  » which is part of « in accordance with ». However, when I read the first pair, B implies to me that the subject does not particularly agree with the rules, but adheres to them to avoid trouble. A implies that it respects the rules and also accepts them within the framework of its principles. If you are one of those people, then I agree with you. 1a. He acted in accordance with the rules. 1b. He acted in accordance with the rules. 2a and 2b.

His behavior did not match his smile, nor his smile and then behaved accordingly, ergo the two fakes. It is possible to say « agree with someone », but it is more formal and much less common than « agree »: saying « I agree with you » is a common mistake among native speakers of Romance languages. For example, if you want to say that you agree with someone in Spanish, you will use the term Agree, which is a transitive verb that requires active consent, not a passive state of correspondence with. If it says « we have agreed » or « we agree », this is then active consent. I have a question about « agree with » and « agree with ». Dictionaries think they are pretty much the same. But to these pairs of sentences: « I am very satisfied with the editorial services. I like the fact that my work is edited by a human editor. It gives me the certainty that the work is perfect and flawless » « I am surprised to have been able to get an answer very quickly.

I struggle to form perfect English sentences, but this is not possible without the help of native speakers. This service is really amazing! Thank you very much. Although « estoy de acuerdo » literally means « I agree », the latter is not used in English. Some learners try to improve « I agree » by saying « I agree », which has grammatical meaning, but is unfortunately not used either. The correct form is: By the way, if you haven`t read my guide to avoid the most common mistakes in English, be sure to check it out; it deals with similar issues. « My first experience with Textranch was fabulous. They really surprised me. We agree that this is the most popular expression on the Internet. 1b. Yes, because the rules and his behavior were consistent in what was asked and done. « I like the quick turn and all the adjustments that have been made to my email to make it very professional. Thank you! « I now see my mistakes and the correction they made makes the text much clearer. « Text Ranch is great, Text Ranch solved my problem, I`ve been looking for this kind of app for years, I love it. « This is incredible feedback because, as a non-native speaker, I really need reliable help correcting my text. 1a.

He and the rules did not agree on anything, real or tacit, ergo false. « This is my first time using text ranch, and I like the way the editor takes the time to edit my text. I highly recommend it to anyone who has never used a text ranch before, they should give it a try. « Your personal feedback is very helpful and it`s a great way to improve the language. » A comprehensive internet search found these results: « I`m really surprised by this innovative service, as there are real experts who can review your text online, which is much better than various AI-powered software solutions. Thank you, Mags! DiscoverLIA COVID-19The Ludwig Initiative Against COVID-19 « This is very good. The editor discovered the mistakes I had overlooked. Great experience! « Whenever I need an English text to revise, Textranch is my online resource. « I LOVE the idea of being visited by real people, not machines. The answers are TOTALLY satisfying and the people are kind and polite. « Exactly what I wanted to check, much more effective than Grammerly! « I love the text-based ranch. It`s super easy to use and the reviewers are so professional and responsive. « Wow, that`s great, the first time I get spelling help from a real person!!! recommend it to everyone. « I was taken care of by a real person, it made it personal and it`s beautiful. » Today, more than 1001 people have had their English checked.

Very little, from what I can determine. It depends on the definitions of the words and/or how they are used colloquially. .