Grove City College Community Agreement

The City College of New York`s plan takes over campus activities in a phased approach. As we begin to return to campus, we must be prepared to provide our community members with the safest environment possible as we move through the phases of re-engagement and activities on campus. The campus community can also be notified of SMS campaigns, as well as digital signage on campus, printed signage on campus, and platforms that reach potential students and families through CCNY`s admissions office. The goal of all messages is to ensure transparency and clarity to all parties throughout the reopening process. This includes, but is not limited to, the reopening of protocols, vaccine guidelines and requirements prescribed by campus and/or government, information and guidance for all essential and non-essential CCNY employees, and other official communications that must be issued during this transition period. Until further notice, all members of the college community are subject to these guidelines and protocols while on campus, and are required to follow them to ensure campus security. The College`s goal is to help everyone on campus comply with its policies and protocols, including on issues such as face coverings and physical distancing. The primary method of achieving the goals is to train the campus community through the CCNY website, on-campus signage, and other forms of communication (including required training and president`s web meetings). The Director of Environmental Health and Safety sends a daily newsletter to our website to inform the community of potentially COVID-19 contaminated areas on campus that can be traced back to people who have COVID-19 symptoms or a positive COVID-19 test. These areas of the campus will be closed until they are safe for the start of the school year. Our distinctive community is now being put to the test. Are we going to selflessly and conscientiously serve the well-being of the grove? As the uncertainties of COVID-19 develop in our country, will the GCC show what a community can accomplish by God`s grace if its members act responsibly? Success in this extraordinary challenge will be a point of contact of encouragement for all of us in the future trials of life.

When our upper class arrived on campus in the fall of 2017, we introduced five core values for everyone. One of these values is « community. » Since then, we have increasingly emphasized the importance of this value as divisions seem to be widening in society at large. We are not perfect, but our community is a special culture of kindness, cordiality, support and respect. And the more our community is shaped by these virtues, the better equipped you will be to be lifelong ambassadors of the true good. CcNY`s Office of Tax Affairs (Procurement and PA Teams) sends a notice to the college community informing them that any request for goods or services directly related to COVID-19 must use program code 80431. This notification may also include the latest shipping and delivery information on goods purchased by CCNY`s procurement team. The Towers community looks forward to seeing you! In the meantime, feel free to check out our online community on, Instagram: @ccnytowers, Twitter: @ccnytowers. We are pleased to announce the release of the Spring 2021 Academic Calendar, which is available here for your information and planning purposes. Rest assured that the health and safety of our community continues to guide our decisions as we plan for the spring semester. With respect to protocols and policies for employees and/or students who wish to return to work or the classroom after a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 or after individuals have had close contact with a person with COVID-19, CCNY will refer to NYSDOH « Interim Guidance for Public and Private Employees Returning to Work After COVID-19 Infection or Exposure. » CCNY will engage with local health services and build a relationship with health systems in the region to treat students and community members.

If deemed necessary, the towers will close their building to avoid the risk of exposure to COVID-19 for the entire community. Here are the criteria that will be considered: UPDATE: July 10, 2020 College is working with AHN to prepare for a safe and healthy fall return Grove City College is partnering with the Allegheny Health Network (AHN) to protect students and staff when in-person instruction and campus life resume in the fall. The college recently signed a partnership agreement with AHN`s Physician Consult for Business program, which provides personalized advice from medical and public health professionals on best practices to mitigate the impact of the coronavirus on the campus community. As part of the program, the college will retain the services of an AHN Physician Advisor who will advise and assist administrators and staff in adopting best practices to prevent the virus and respond to and mitigate the spread of COVID-19 on campus. Through a designated medical consultant, Grove City College has access to a Chief Medical Officer and an Advisory Board of Health Professionals with expertise in infection prevention, infectious diseases, mental and behavioral health, laboratory medicine and employee health, primary care, and wellness. .